Saturday, April 30, 2016

Commenting out code in Python & Debugging 100

So you are new to Python or programming in general? Well here are a few things that 'they' don't tell you up front that help a lot.

Commenting & commenting out:

In python there are two ways to "comment things out":

One - the hash mark - # some text

Like this:

# This is a comment about the line of code below
print '\n This is a message to the console, yep we can print \n' # Here's another comment

So, yeah, most of the time you can put a comment in line after the code. Before the code, nope, it sees that as a commenting out of the entire line

This is also referred to as line commenting 'cause it just affects the line

What about that backslash 'n' thing ( '\n )? Those are line breaks.

Two - three quotes on either end - ''' text '''

Like this:

''' This is a comment about the line of code below. I really want to say a lot about
this code 'cause it's very important to me or I know I'm going to space out later and
forget why the heck I wrote this code, so I'm writing this huge and possibly useless
run on sentence, yeah.'''

print '\n This is a message to the console, yep we can print \n' # Here's another comment

This is called block commenting or commenting a block. 'Block' meaning several lines of text together. This method is also use to identify what are called 'doc strings' but that's off topic here.

Why did I call this "commenting out". Because it takes the text in the comments out of the path of the script interpreter. Remember in Python code is interpreted at run time, sequentially, as if it were a script for a play. Each line precedes the next.

Why would you want to do this? It doesn't affect the program, right? Right.

You'll often find times when:
1.) You want to remind yourself what you just did there in a more verbose way that your code can express.

2.) You always want to leave clues for the next programmer who comes along to maintain your code. That's just good manners.

3.) While debugging I often put in comments so I know I checked a particular piece of code.

4.) While debugging you can comment out lines of code instead of deleting them. I often:

  • Copy a bit of suspect code
  • Paste it back in just above itself
  • Comment out the pasted bit
  • Make changes to the original bit
That saves you the hassle of retyping the thing over if the old code was okay. It also allows you to see where you've made changes as you go. This is pretty much debugging 101.

5.) You have a strange urge to write your life story as you are writing your code ...

Sunday, March 13, 2016

Hacky Ways To Comment MS Project Functions & Some Excel Too

How I add comments to complex MS Project  formulas on fields -

Quick answers:

  • MS Project:
    • & IIf(False, "Insert your comment here","") - for custom text fields
    • & IIf(True, "", "Insert your comment here") - for custom text fields
    • Cint(), Int(), etc. return #ERROR on string inputs so they are not useful
  • Excel:
    • + N("Insert your comment here") - use in Excel cells that are to return numbers
    • & If(False, "Insert your comment here","") - for text cells
    • & If(True,"", "Insert your comment here") - for text cells
    • OR ... use the standard comment on the cell features (right click, insert comment)
Generally if you can concatenate a function to a string that returns either "" or nothing and you can hide your comment in a parameter to that function you are good to go. For numbers, add functions like N() that will return a zero value added at the end of an otherwise valid formula. This assumes the function returns zero when the text of the comment is a parameter to the function ... make sense?

This is written mainly for MS Project. The approach is applicable to Excel. The formulas look very different but a lot of the functions and syntax are close or the same.

If you Google "commenting Excel functions" or something like that you'll get back a butt load of results. This is nothing new. All I'm doing here is trying to make the answers more general and explain what's going on. Improvements & corrections are more than welcome of course.

Bigger examples:

IIf([% Complete] = 100 AND CDate(ProjDateConv([Actual Finish], pjdate_mm_dd_yy)) <=
     CDate(ProjDateConv([Status Date], pjdate_mm_dd_yy)), "Done",
          IIf((ProjDateValue([Baseline Finish]) = ProjDateValue("NA")),"No Baseline",
                    "Not Done / Update"))

This is part of a 40 + line nested IIf wad of chaos, frankly. So here's what that might look like using the commenting tactics we are discussing here.

IIf([% Complete] = 100 AND CDate(ProjDateConv([Actual Finish], pjdate_mm_dd_yy)) <=
     CDate(ProjDateConv([Status Date], pjdate_mm_dd_yy)), "Done"
                    & IIf(False, "check for 100% and for end dates in the future",""),
          IIf((ProjDateValue([Baseline Finish]) = ProjDateValue("NA")),"No Baseline",
                      "Not Done / Update" & IIf(False, "check for baseline","")))

The comment bits are in bold.

Both those work in MS Project 2013. You will need to set a project status date or it will error out. A baseline is needed to get any result back except "No Baseline"for an incomplete task. The full formula deals with these conditions.*

For Excel:
Excel uses If() statements not IIf(). The form of the parameters is the same in both IE:

Project - IIf(conditionresult if trueresult if false) - the result if false is optional
Excel - IF(condition, result if true, result if false)

A couple of short Excel Examples:

=(99+100) & IF(FALSE, "this is a comment","")

=(99+100) + N( "this is a comment")

The first one will make the cell a text / string value. It will not have decimal places unless you put them there in a more complex string conversion. Sometimes that's what you want.

I would use the N() technique with dates

General Idea:
Still scratching your head? Think I'm nuts? I am nuts, but, let me try to clear up how this works and why we'd want to use it.

The IIf() and If() functions return something based on a condition being true or false. All we are doing is forcing a true or false by putting the key words "True" or "False" right in the condition. If we substitute "True" with "1=1" or "False" with "1=0" it would do the same thing. (omit the quotes in the actual formula),

For " & IIf(False, result if trueresult if false)" form of this, the "result if false" is replaced with double quotes ("") . Double quotes is the same as no character. So this forces the IIf() to return no character.

The ampersand ( "&" ) means "concatenate" or "stick one text string to another text string". So, it then sticks no character to the previous text string. The result is that you get a comment in your formula & the output is the same as it would have been.

The + N("some comment") is similar. N("string") returns the number* zero (0).  The plus ("+") just say to add our zero to the number that is returned by the leading part of the formula. A number + zero is the same number! See you can count on some things being true ...

Note that in Excel speak "number" refers to number that can be different kinds of numbers like integers or floating point. So don't count on it being a particular type. In this case, zero is zero, so no worries. Here's some more on N()

Why do this?:
If I had a simple one to ten line formula, I would not do this. It's probably not useful. Or, in Excel, the standard comment on the cell is going to be more useful.

When I have something longer than ten lines and it's not working right, I often need to put reminders in the code about what a chunk of a formula is doing. It helps see where I may have put something out of sequence and sometimes it helps me see where I may have missed closing parentheses, commas, etc.

That said, this is a hack. We are doing things with function they were not ever intended to do. It also does not help anyone else but you read these giant formulas more easily. You should consider stripping them out once you debugging is complete and the formula is stable, in my humble opinion.

Issues & Gotchas:
"False Part Not Optional" - With MS Project 2013 desktop client the "false part" for the IIF() is optional. BUT, on Project Server / Project Online (in the cloud) it is not. I have not tested it with and on premise installation of Project Server. I would just make sure there is a "false part")

Non-Printable chars at the end - FYI - The IIf() & If() forms of these may add a non-printable o the end of the string they are concatenated to. Excel has the CLEAN() function for this. You may need to resort to other string handling functions if this is a problem. Seems to be okay in Excel. When I C&P to a text editor I seem to get a line break.

*I do not generally post or otherwise publish full formulas or programs. Sorry. Contact me if you have any questions beyond that.